
Sometimes it’s JUST tough…

It has been a mixed week here. Chilli is in the middle of his fourth leap… the big one – five stormy weeks. Often this is called the ‘4 month regression’, but I’d only heard it talked about in terms of sleep. There Is more to it than that!

Chilli has regressed in his feeding too… We are back to the laidback method, and pain at each feed. On top of that, I have been on a dairy exclusion diet for three weeks, because the consultant thinks that may be the cause of his fussiness/slow weight gain. Unfortunately for my cheese addiction, I think she is right, as he has been much less fussy these past few weeks.

This means a referral to the dietician, and a much less selective diet for me 😥

Chilli has been sleeping okay at night, but he is really fighting his naps, and a few days had not had one in the afternoon. This does not make for a fun evening!

These past few days have been tough going. Not For any reason in particular, just the monotony setting in, the long hours with a baby in my arms (clingy, cranky, crying..!) and late nights trying to keep on top of life outside of caring for Chilli – loading the dishwasher, finding time to hug Husband, etc etc!!)

A piece of advice we have been given over and over is ” its just a phase” and I know that… things have changed so much in these four monthS. But its hard to see the other end when you are right in the eye of the storm!!

Here’s to looking for the rainbow!

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