
Here’s to 2018

It’s been a while since I updated here… A cold, teething and weaning tummy problems have led to many sleepless nights and a particularly clingy baby.

However, I wanted to take this chance to reflect on the past year, and make note of some hopes for the year coming.

Continue reading “Here’s to 2018”


Broken… teeth

I’m the former, because of the latter!

Chilli started showing signs of teething weeks ago – dribbling, chomping on everything, rosy cheeks… Unfortunately, he became very uncomfortable with it, and his fussy evenings stretched into fussy days. Lots of screaming and clutching at his mouth. Last Tuesday we went into school and Chilli screamed non-stop for 45 minutes until the Calpol kicked in.

Continue reading “Broken… teeth”


Sometimes it’s JUST tough…

It has been a mixed week here. Chilli is in the middle of his fourth leap… the big one – five stormy weeks. Often this is called the ‘4 month regression’, but I’d only heard it talked about in terms of sleep. There Is more to it than that!

Chilli has regressed in his feeding too… We are back to the laidback method, and pain at each feed. On top of that, I have been on a dairy exclusion diet for three weeks, because the consultant thinks that may be the cause of his fussiness/slow weight gain. Unfortunately for my cheese addiction, I think she is right, as he has been much less fussy these past few weeks.

This means a referral to the dietician, and a much less selective diet for me 😥

Chilli has been sleeping okay at night, but he is really fighting his naps, and a few days had not had one in the afternoon. This does not make for a fun evening!

These past few days have been tough going. Not For any reason in particular, just the monotony setting in, the long hours with a baby in my arms (clingy, cranky, crying..!) and late nights trying to keep on top of life outside of caring for Chilli – loading the dishwasher, finding time to hug Husband, etc etc!!)

A piece of advice we have been given over and over is ” its just a phase” and I know that… things have changed so much in these four monthS. But its hard to see the other end when you are right in the eye of the storm!!

Here’s to looking for the rainbow!


This time a year ago…

This time a year ago, we had just found out that I was pregnant.

This time a year ago, we planned to keep the pregnancy a secret until the suggested 12-weeks were up.

This time a year ago, I didn’t want a baby, but knew I could not not go through with having this baby.

This time a year ago, I had no idea what was lay ahead!

This year, we are parents to the most wonderful 16-week old baby boy.

This year, I overshare everything about him… Mostly because he’s cute, but also for advice & reassurance.

This year, I can not imagine our lives without him in them.

This year, I still have no idea what lies ahead!!!

It has been a complete whirlwind of emotions and experiences. It is hard to believe it was only a year ago.

Becoming A Mother was not a plan, but it is the best mistake we have ever made.


Keeping on boobing…

Another week.. another breastfeeding drama.

Chilli is such an amazing baby (except between the hours of 5 and 7pm!) But breastfeeding has been a HUGE struggle for us.

I have written a whole post about our BF struggles. At 10 weeks, Chilli’s tongue tie returned, along with the pain and tears. Lisa, the guru, referred us to the hospital, but our appointment was not for 3 1/2 weeks. I was in so much pain, and my supply was dropping, so I made the decision to see a private IBCLC. She diagnosed Chilli’s TT instantly and re-released it.

Feeding was immediately better, and we’ve had a good 3 weeks. Then, this week it started to get painful again. Pinching, fussing, misshapen nipples… it is all back.

On Wednesday, I was at boob club and asked the other BF guru to look at Chili’s Tongue. I became very emotional and cried a lot. However, the outcome was that it seemed unlikely that his TT had returned.

I persevered through tears to feed for the last two days, attending boob club on both days. This afternoon, Chili and I went back to see the private IBCLC. She let me know that she does not release tongue ties more than twice. Luckily, his tongue is not tied again. After watching Chili Feed, she concluded that he has a high palate, which is causing the pain. He also has a preference for turning his head to the right, which means he can’t latch as effectively.

We have some work to do. But We will persevere. We have made it to the three month mark.. bronze boobs! I celebrated by getting myself one of these momentos from Daisy Lily on Etsy:
